Terms and Conditions

Last Updated: 28th June 2024

Terms and Conditions of Service


1. Overview

This terms and conditions of service is entered into by and between Leanna Hosting Solutions and the person/persons who use our website design, domain, hosting or any other product/service offered by Leanna. This is made effective as of the date of your use of this website or the date of electronic acceptance. The terms and conditions sets forth the terms of service and going against any of the terms and conditions may lead to suspension or termination of account/service WITHOUT REFUND.

2. Account Setup and Email Content
We will setup your account after we have received payment and we and/or our payment partner(s) have screened the order(s) incase of fraud.
  1. Every account owner is expected to provide their GOVERNMENT issued Firstname & Lastname in the fields provided for account setup. Failure to do so may result to account suspension/termination. In case of a company, there is another field too include company details.
  2. It is your responsibility to provide us with an email address which is not at the domain(s) you are signing up under.
  3. If there is ever any issue or we need to contact you, the primary email address on file will be used for this purpose and so It remains your responsibility to ensure the email address on file is current or up to date at all times.
  4. Providing false contact information of any kind may result in the suspension/termination of your account.
  5. DEVELOPER: You are advised to setup accounts on Leanna as an individual while creating hosting accounts for all your clients.
  6. DEVELOPER/AFFILIATES: We take abuse seriously and so we reserve the right to transfer account ownership to any government registered contact of a company if it is noticed that the company owns the website and has rights of control to the website.
  7. Every account is setup to receive sales, promotions, announcement emails or newsletters by default. You can opt out of receiving this emails on your account portal. However, Leanna will not be responsible for any information not receive and is/was deemed to have caused any issues.
3. Account Contents & Purpose of Account
You will not use this site or the services in a manner that:
  1. Is illegal, or promotes or encourages illegal activity such as ponzi schemes, coin/crypto/forex/currency exchange as prohibited by Nigerian Government.
  2. Promotes, encourages or engages in child pornography or the exploitation of children in any way.
  3. Promotes, encourages or engages in terrorism, violence against people, animals, property, or any other as deemed illegal by law.
  4. Promotes, encourages or engages in any spam or other unsolicited bulk email, or computer or network hacking or cracking.
  5. Violates the privacy or publicity rights of another User or any other person or entity, or breaches any duty of confidentiality that you owe to another User or any other person or entity.
  6. Contains or installs any viruses, worms, bugs, Trojan horses or other code, files or programs designed to, or capable of, disrupting, damaging or limiting the functionality of any software or hardware.
4. Payments
  1. NO REFUND: We have a NO-REFUND condition on payment in any currency except agreed prior in writing by Leanna. Please double-check with the Hostmaster, Customer Success or Accounts Team (+2349084990920 , accounts[at]leanna.ng) before making payments.
  2. Leanna will not be required to come and pick up cheques or cash. The client will please pay in the cheque into the provided account number of invoice or contact the accounts team for assistance where needed.
  3. Payments made online at our website are automatically confirmed by the system and service provisioned. However payments made to our bank account REQUIRE that you to send a proof of payment to accounts[at]leanna.ng for followup confirmation. Failure to do so may amount to delay in accessing the service or possible difficulty in tracing funds.
  4. Renewal of domain names/hosting services are prompted 60 days, 30 days, 7 days and on the day of expiry. So, failure to renew after expiry may attract a late fee of 5% of the total invoice cost.
5. Refusal Of Service
Leanna reserves the right to refuse anyone service. Mostly this is done to maintain the integrity of our infrastructure, protect against abuse or the value of service offered to other clients in our network.
6. Domain
  1. Domains are provided through 3rd-party Parent Domain Registrars and so any payment made on domain names is FINAL and cannot be reversed.
  2. Failure to renew a domain before expiry attracts a domain management fee.
  3. Failure to renew a domain after 30 days (Grace Period) of the expiry date, the domain is said to be in its redemption period a fee is charge by the parent registrars as REDEMPTION fees which will be at an amount determined by the registrar.
  4. Domains not redeemed during the REDEMPTION period (30 days after grace period) will enter a PENDING DELETE state. At this state the domain can be brokered to other organizations or interested parties and Leanna will have no control to renew or redeem the domain and as so considered LOST from our system.
7. Hosting Accounts
  1. Shared Hosting:
    1. Accounts in this category are terminated after 90 days of not being active.
    2. Multiple complaints of abuse or excess use of server resources may lead to suspension of account or termination.
  2. VPS/Cloud Hosting:
    1. Accounts in this category are automatically terminated after 7 days of not being active. or 7 days active without payment.
    2. Complaints of abuse, abnormal traffic and thridparty spamming apps, etc may lead to suspension of account or termination.
  3. Dedicated Server:
    1. Accounts in this category are automatically terminated after 7 days of not being active. or 7 days active without payment.
8. Professional Assistance Program
At Leanna, we have a program called the Professional Assistance Program (PAP) designed to help customers cut cost on transfer of account, web issues or any tech crisis. The program seeks to look at the issues customers are facing and help them fix these issues for FREE or at a discounted rate.
  1. The program is not open to everyone and so we reserve the right to select clients that are eligible for the program.
  2. We do not have a standard framework to determine who is eligible and what rate of discount is awarded to each client. therefore, selection and discount awards are on each case basis and are completely at the discretion of management.
  3. The program application does not represent any form of promise or serve as a commitment to work. Application are only considered a way to gather data for the initial assessment of the assistance required.
  4. Invoices showing the value of the service(s) are still awarded when assistance has been issued to the client.
  5. Awardees of this program are NOT eligible for any form of refund, assignment or transfer of awards issued under the program.