Domain Registration
Foreign TLD’s
Nigerian TLD’s
Our Domain Features
Auto Renewal
DNS Control
Domain Protection
Domain Support
Custom Domain
A domain name is a unique name used to identify your business or website on the internet. For example: or
to check if your domain is registered you can run a WHOIS search. WHOIS is a simple databsae of all domains registered in the world.
To do a WHOIS search you can use the search bar on or visit or
A domain is an actual name or address people will use to navigate to your website on the web, while web hosting is the storage and back end of your website to make it functional. You can order a domain without web hosting, but you can’t purchase hosting without a domain name.
Yes! If you have already registered your domain with another provider, such as GoDaddy, you can use the form above to transfer it to Leanna or call 09084990920 for instant help.
Because domain names are unique, you first have to use the search feature to check search if your chosen name is available for registration. If it is available? then you can click to register it.
Unfortunately NO! all domain registrations are final after payment and cannot be changed, cancelled or altered.
Yes you can. Numbers are allowed in domain names.
Our support team is available via multiple channels including Phone – 09084990920, Email –, or chat with us using the live chat on our website.
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